Bio Rosa Allessie

Rosa Allessie

Rosa Allessie


Rosa Allessie
Dancer, choreographer, dance teacher and creative entrepeneur

Rosa Allessie is a dancer, choreographer, dance teacher and creative entrepeneur from The Netherlands (Holland). She graduated in Performing Contemporary / Dance Theatre (BA) at the Fontys School of Arts (Tilburg, The Netherlands) in 2013. Dance is the first language for her and her goal is to tell stories trough her movement, whether that is as a performer, teacher, (co-)creator or otherwise. Rosa has a steady foundation in classical ballet, contemporary, jazz, dance theatre, floorwork and improvisation.

She worked as a professional dancer in various companies and projects, such as De Stilte (internship and contract), Holland Opera (Blauwbaard), DMT (Before the storm breaks a.o.), La Fura Dels Baus (Turning on the Lights), De Nationale Opera (The New Prince), Isabelle Beernaert (Under My Skin), Truus Bronkhorst (Seule & Excerpts 2).

Rosa also creates her own work, alone or together with other artists. Her own pieces ‘Look/See’ and ‘Movement Perpétuel’ were shown at festivals and other events. With Jamie de Groot she created ‘Altijd Hetzelfde Liedje’ & ‘Statua Viva’. In collaboration with Beeldjutters (video-artists) she choreographed and danced a few different performances. With Maartje Fijen she creates work as dance theatre company Buurvrouw&Buurvrouw; ‘Hoge Nood’, ‘Circus Buurvrouw&Buurvrouw’, ‘Hé Teut’ were programmed at various festivals in Holland.


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